Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cameron Brooks resigns from board

As expected, Knox County Election Commissioner Cameron Brooks, left, announced this afternoon that he plans to resign, effective May 9, from the board.

It's because he's moving, though. Not because he's disgusted with some of his peers.

(Although he probably is. Disgusted that is.)

Brooks, a Democrat, was one of two who voted (along party lines) Friday to keep administrator of elections Greg Mackay's job. They lost.

I'm assuming the Democrats on the local Legislative Delegation will nominate another member to serve on the commission (which will be rubber stamped by the state because the state doesn't investigate anything). But, hell, I haven't looked it up. It could be like the county commission and the board just appoints one of its own.

Either way, it won't help the Democrats on the board. They're already outnumbered as it is. (The board chooses a new administrator April 27.)

Still, someone has an opportunity to get some of that goooood county health insurance and a little bit of coin.

Anyhoo, Cameron seemed like a good guy. All the best to him.

Here's the email he sent out:

April 19, 2011
Tom Wheeler
Tennessee Election Commission
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
9th Floor, Snodgrass Tower
Nashville, TN 37243

Dear Commissioner Wheeler:

This letter serves as my notice of resignation from the Knox County Election Commission, effective Monday, May 9, 2011. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the citizens of the state of the Tennessee.

Cameron Brooks
Commissioner, Knox County Election Commission

1 comment:

Brian Paone said...

You got out at the right time, guy. I don't think I'd want to be associated with the Knox County EC right now, either.

Good luck! (Whoever you are; I don't recall ever meeting you anyway.)