Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Campaign finances for Knox contests

Man, you'd think with the kind of coin Phil Ballard and John Whitehead are spending on advertising, that they were running for county mayor or something.

Not property assessor.

Anyhoo, candidates were required to turn in their first quarter financial documents today, so that means . . . Nothing.

Yeah, really, no one cares about this stuff.

But, I figured I'd bore you with it anyway. I've got the property assessor race and the county law director race (anyone else find it silly that we have to elect a law director?).

If you want information about the school board races, we got a school reporter for that. Or you can click right smack here and look up the candidates on your own.

The elections are March 6. I think.

Soooo, a quick glance at Ballard, the property assessing incumbent, shows that between Jan. 16 and Feb. 24 he raised almost $16,000. He also spent close to $62,000 and has $6,800 in folding paper left over. Ballard also has almost $6,000 in outstanding loans. Click here for the details.

Whitehead, his opponent, raised $25,750 during the same period and spent $38,000. He has almost $15,000 on hand going into the final week. Whitehead has no outstanding loans listed. Click here for the details.

Over in the law director's race, incumbent Joe Jarret raised $21,400 from mid-January to the middle of this month. He also spent $23,100 and has $8,100 left. In addition, Jarret has $1,500 in loans outstanding. Click here for the details.

His opponent, Richard “Bud” Armstrong, raised almost $9,100 during the same period and spent almost $23,000. Armstrong has $3,200 on hand. Click here for the details.

As always, I don't support any of the candidates. Write in my name, blah, blah. Have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Guesses for tomorrow night's results:

    * PRES: Romney carries the county, Santorum carries the state. More people are left wondering why Ron Paul is still in the mix.

    * DELEGATES: Who the hell cares? I think it's amazing Victor Ashe and I agree on something.

    * CRIMINAL COURT DIV I: Going out on a limb here, but I think Steve Sword can pull this out.

    * PROPERTY ASSESSOR: Phil Ballard takes the nomination and the office, demonstrating that the Hutchison power bloc has eroded since the height of its power last decade.

    * LAW DIRECTOR: Joe Jarret wins this one, demonstrating that the Hunley power bloc IS at the height of its power and still can't win a countywide race.

    * BoE, SECOND DISTRICT: Indya Kincannon is, again, the only person in the Second District that gives a damn about running. Her reward is yet another turn as Board member.

    * BoE, THIRD: I'll admit, I haven't paid any attention to this race. I'll throw a dart and say Edington, but all three candidates have very electable names.

    * BoE, FIFTH: Elaine Davis makes history as the only candidate I know of to lose as a Democrat, Republican AND Independent. Carson wins this one easily.

    * BoE, EIGHTH: Mike McMillan, because that district doesn't handle change very well. (See Midway.) Thankfully for them, McMillan's pretty good at what he does on the Board.

    Too bad it's illegal to gamble on the outcomes of elections. Maybe the Charter Review Committee needs to take a look at that.
