Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ballard for district attorney? What the . . .

So, I was in the Atlanta area (a little south actually) for part of the weekend. And I saw this refrigerator magnet. Actually, I'd seen it before, years ago, I think, but I took a picture of it this time. Thought it funny. Figured I'd share it. Heh.


Brian Hornback said...

Oh My....Why did you do that to me? LOL

Brian Hornback said...

the elephant is facing left, that is not a good sign

Brian Paone said...

I have to ask - what's it mean if the elephant's facing to the left?

Mike Donila said...

I didn't even catch that. Pretty funny. I know the website doesn't work. I believe the political ad was for Scott Ballard, Fayette County's DA

Brian Hornback said...

Paone - it indicates a left leaning Republican! Duh!

Brian Paone said...

Partisan political theories never cease to amuse me.

Anonymous said...

Birmingham, AL

Mike Donila said...

Ha ha. Ballard for Judge.

Brian Paone said...