Monday, March 5, 2012

Big Sexy's big county spin continues

Michael “Big Sexy” Grider this morning released another one of his famous spin jobs – this time in the form of the Knox Happenings Newsletter.

Now, we at Screams from da Porch know that the only “newsletter” you need to be reading is right here at the old blog, but I'm going to humor Grider anyway.

Click right smack here for his March news thing. And right smack here for the archives.

BS started doing this not too long ago. He says it doesn't cost the county and he sends it out only by email. I think.

Anyhoo, it contains a lot of nice positive spin, like a blurb on the cash mob and something about getting in shape. And, of course, it's got a picture of county Mayor Tim Burchett looking all studious as he tells the public that a certain pension plan is costing too much in folding paper.

It's a nice thing, I suppose, since it shows that BS is sort of actually working. Now I'm waiting on the city, which pays it's public relations staff (combined) more than $200K in coin, to start one.

Hint, hint.

Holding breath now.


  1. So what, exactly, does the PR company do for Knox County?

  2. Opens the door for the mayor, walks five feet behind the chief of staff and tells jokes to local reporters.

    Earns about 1/10 of his counterparts in the city.

  3. Never mind, I misread your post.

    1/10th, eh? Guess they gave him the raise after adding on the responsibility of having to tell jokes to the local media - though he's probably still underpaid.

    You know, since local reporters often don't get subtle humor and have to have jokes explained to them.

    Like this.

    (Long setup, but worth it if you're into irony.)
