Monday, March 12, 2012

Cash mob continues to draw customers

UPDATE: I added in some more numbers

The good county spin doc, Michael “Big Sexy” Grider, sent over some numbers from Friday's cash mob – an event, by the way, that Potentate Dean Rice said was a foolhardy venture. (Or something like that.)

Anyhoo, this time county Mayor Tim Burchett threw what is becoming an regular thing at the Disc Exchange and Wee Care Shoppe in South Knoxville. According, to BS, the record shop had three times as many transactions all Friday, compared to previous Fridays. (Or something like that.) He said during the “official mob time,” which is 5-7 p.m., the store had 100 more transactions in the two-hour period that the store usually averages on Friday during the same time.

According to the store, Disc Exchange averaged 151.5 transactions on Fridays between Feb. 10 through March 2. On Cash mob Friday, the store had 477 total transactions with 254 during 5-7 p.m.

The owner of the Wee Care Shoppe told BS that her business had “at least 114 transactions all day” Friday, which is about five times the normal number of Friday sales. She didn't have the numbers for the 5-7 p.m. time frame because they were using a borrowed registered that is a bit older than the register they typically use, Grider said.

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