Thursday, March 8, 2012

Did the ETDD take a shot at the KTSC?

Awhile back, I asked the East Tennessee District to put me on its mailing list. You never know what the executive committee, which is comprised of county mayors throughout the area, might talk about at a meeting. (Before you ask, county Mayor Tim Burchett who is a member, typically avoids these things. Heh.)

Anyhoo, I was just reading through the minutes of the committee's February meeting. Here's the end part:

In other business, Executive Director Terry Bobrowski tells the committee that he'll probably be taking a few trips this year. (Big surprise.) He said the total travel and conference registrations “should be in the neighborhood of $6,500 for this calendar year.”

He noted that no action was necessary, but rather he wanted to “inform you of my travel plans.”

By the way, it looks like he has plans to head to Washington, D.C. four times, but I'm not positive.

He added:
"I am sure everyone has been reading about some of the problems that a prominent Knoxville non-profit organization has been having. I just wanted the committee to know that the salaries of all ETDD personnel are open to public scrutiny – if you would like to know our salaries, please give me a call or email me and I will be happy to provide them to you. Also, our audits are available to you at any time as are our bank records. We are completely transparent in terms of our financial records and I will always be happy to provide you with information that you might be interested in."
Then, in a touch of irony, he promptly introduced former county administration Chief of Staff Mike Arms.

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