Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jarret seeks audit of own department

Knox County Law Director Joe Jarret this evening sent an email to the county's internal auditor, Richard Walls, asking him to audit the legal department.

Don't read a whole lot into this. The move is pretty much protocol for Joe. He did the same thing after he took over for Bill Lockett a few years ago.

"I kindly ask that you conduct an audit of my office . . . to ensure my (successor) is inheriting an office that is in full compliance with our auditing policies and procedures," Jarret wrote. "My last day with the county is March 31, 2012, as such, I kindly (ask) that the audit be completed by then."

The Knox County Commission later this month will pick an interim law director to serve until Bud Armstrong is sworn in Sept. 1.


Anonymous said...

". . . to ensure my predecessor is inheriting . . ."

I think he meant "successor," not his "predecessor."

Wasn't the smartest guy in the room?

Mike Donila said...

He did. I just changed it.

Anonymous said...

so why is (ask) in parentheses? what corrections did you have to make for him there?