Monday, March 19, 2012

Law director explains resignation process

Knox County Law Director Joe Jarret this morning sent a letter to county commissioners. And no, he hasn't flipped-flopped and opted to un-unresign. Heh.

In the note, which you can find right smack here, Jarret simply clarifies a few questions. Some folks apparently were wondering about the process of stepping down and whether he could announce his resignation and then take it back after commissioners began collecting resumes to fill the job on an interim basis.

Jarret says he can.

He also said he got in touch with interim candidate and former Law Director Richard Beeler to let him know. According to Jarret, Beeler was on board.

Jarret said he didn't get in touch with the other candidate, David Buuck. But, he said, the commission couldn't have appointed him anyway, since he's a Blount County resident and the law requires those who fill elected offices to be “a qualified voter of the county,” Jarret noted.

The county commission was supposed to interview the two candidates during today's work session. That doesn't appear to be the case now, although I'm sure they'll have a few questions for Jarret.


Brian Paone said...

"Jarret said he didn't get in touch with the other candidate, David Buuck. But, he said, the commission couldn't have appointed him anyway, since he's a Blount County resident and the law requires those who fill elected offices to be “a qualified voter of the county,” Jarret noted."


Unknown said...

I believe the same goes for least that was what I was told by a Commissioner.

Is Troyer a knox county resident?

Mike Donila said...

It's for elected officials. Holt and Troyer are appointed, although I know Troyer is a Knox County resident. Not sure about Hugh.

Unknown said...

so Jarret is appointing an outside attorney to work on the charter issues without consulting Armstrong on anything? To give him the position as assistant is a real slap in the face, again, not consulting with Armstrong?

Looks like he is having difficulty giving up the power and he is acting like a spoiled child...little concern about us, the taxpayer or the voter or the new law director in September.

Anonymous said...

One of the many things Joe gets wrong is that Buuck doesn't live in Blount county . . . he lives in Island Home.

I agree with other comments to the effect that Joe is acting either erratically or childishly.

And my understanding is that he still hasn't spoken to Armstrong at all.

rachel craig said...

David Buuck lives in Island Home? News to me, and I've been here since 1995. However, I admit to missing a few things these days.

Anonymous said...

KGIS says he lives at 4120 ISLAND HOME PIKE.

Mike Donila said...

The KGIS entry for 4120 Island Home Pike shows that a trailer is on the property and the taxes are mailed to Buuck and his wife at an address in Rockford, which is in Blount County.

Brian Paone said...

Both Donila and Jarret appear to be correct. Sorry, "Billy".