Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Norman seeks school central office costs

Knox County Commissioner Tony Norman in a letter to the School Board Lord, has officially asked Superintendent Jim McIntyre for a bit of information that some county officials have long been interested in: Just how much coin does that central office cost?

He wants it spelled out. In numbers. Clear numbers. He's very specific. And he's got a ton of support on the County Commission. I know that some members in the past have told me that they've asked school officials the same question and typically received vague, fuzzy answers. Nice.

That's not going to happen this year. There's too many questions about whether the office is top heavy or not. And it's gonna get answered if the superintendent wants to see any of that additional $47 million in funding for the 2013 fiscal year, which starts in early July, that he and the school board have requested.

Some commissioners aren't too thrilled with the school board. Obviously, the Tim Burchett administration isn't a big fan right now. Whether right or wrong, the school board opted not to outsource custodial services, which would have saved a ton in folding paper, and something else that I can't remember. But there was something the board didn't do that could have saved money. Anyhoo, that didn't go over to well with some of the folks controlling the purse strings.

And I'm rambling.

So click right smack here for Norman's note to McIntyre.

1 comment:

  1. Note to Jim McIntyre:

    If Tony Norman has broad support on the County Commission for a proposal, you'd probably be best served just rolling with it.

    I mean, it's not very often Commissioner Norman enjoys ANY support.
