Monday, January 28, 2013

'Casual' county coin report Part III

Chris Caldwell
And, once again Knox County's top bean counter, Casual Chris Caldwell, held court with county commissioners today during their monthly luncheon to go over the finances for the first six months of the current fiscal year.

As usual, he threw out a lot of mumbo jumbo, voodoo and whatnot, detailing where, when and why we do or do not have money. And, yes, we do have money. Got a lot of it, actually, but there's quite a few folks who would have you believe the county is flat broke.

Anyhoo, Chris noted that general fund revenues are up about 2 percent right now compared to this time last year, which translates to about $3.2 million more.

However, spending is up by about $11.1 million. The Casual One says this is because in December he ordered his minions to post “all of what we know that is going to be transferred funds,” which is something the office typically does quarterly. (Really, it makes no difference, so long as it gets done.)

“So, if you look at the percentage, then we're at 52 percent half way through the year, and you'd like to be at 50 percent, but that 2 percent is in direct correlation to the transfers,” he told commissioners, adding that this will balance out in the coming months.

Chris also noted that the sales tax coin that flows into the general fund is up by about $169,000 and hotel/motel taxes are up a whopping $684.

He said wheel taxes are down slightly, or up slightly or flat. I can't remember. Regardless, it doesn't look like it's going to have an effect this year, but it's something folks should know and study.

He opted not to discuss property tax just to save a few officials from a heart attack (his words, not mine), since collections really aren't accounted for until the end of next month. However, he said we should see some growth, although not a whole heck of a lot.

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