Sunday, October 27, 2013

McCroskey not expect to say too much

Joy McCroskey
Knox County Criminal Court Clerk Joy McCroskey during Monday’s County Commission meeting is expected to address the board to talk about the problems in her office.

Now, there’s a lot of folks out there drooling, just waiting for what she says, expecting some fireworks.

However, if she sticks to script (and I’m not telling you who helped her with it), then she is going to say very little. She will briefly address the board and she will not take questions (there’s liability reasons, and, quite frankly, it’s not in her personal best interest). That’s if she sticks to script.

Do not expect a whole lot of noise from Commissioner Mike Hammond, who has announced his intentions to take on Joy in May’s Republican primary, during the meeting. After it? That’s a different story.

The Audit Committee on Tuesday will more than likely agree to recommend to the commission to audit the department. (Whatever that means.) The News Sentinel will then send out 9 million text alerts treating this “breaking” news like a Mafia hit. Heh.

Keep in mind, if the committee does make the recommendation – it’s just that, a recommendation. The commission will make the final decision and that won’t come until mid-November (since it’s a holiday month). 

It will then take about six months to audit the office. At least.

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